5 Home Remedies to Make You Sleep Better

Saima Iqbal
4 min readSep 18, 2021


Are you a sound sleeper, or are you tossing and turning all night just to get some shut-eye? If you struggle with sleep, you are not alone. According to a study,35.2% of American adults suffer from sleep problems. Like food, sleep is essential for rejuvenating our systems. It is not always easy to just close your eyes and instantly slip into dreamland.

At times people need help to sleep. We believe simple and natural solutions work best. So we have compiled some home remedies to help you sleep better.

Home Remedies for Insomnia

Over-the-counter medicines promoting sleep are available, but they can quickly turn into addictions. What you eat and drink in the evening can affect your sleep cycle. Research shows that food is linked to Serotonin, a vital hormone for beneficial sleep.

Home sleeping remedies on our list are enjoyable and mostly available in your kitchen or bought from stores or online.

1. Have Some Tea

Chamomile and passionflower teas calm tense muscles and help promote healthy sleep.

A cup of Chamomile tea before bedtime can act as a natural sedative. You can add honey and cinnamon to boost its flavor.

An aromatic cup of passionflower helps in reducing activity in the brain, causing mood uplifting and improved sleep.

2. Go the Nuts Way

Walnuts, cashews, and pistachios are not only rich in heart-healthy fats but raise the serotonin level so essential for sleep.

Almonds are particularly rich in a sleep-regulating hormone called Melatonin. Calcium and Magnesium are the two minerals that cause muscle relaxation and sleep. A handful of almonds (around 1 ounce) will make you rest better.

3. Doze off with Milk

Guess What! Mothers were right in bringing bedtime milk. A glass of milk is a simple yet comforting drink that usually makes you sleepy right away. Milk has tryptophan, an amino acid that aids in the production of sleep-inducing hormones-Melatonin and Serotonin.

You can have turmeric, strawberry, and cherry milk if you prefer more flavor.

4. Enjoy Fish Dinner

Having fatty fish like Salmon for dinner provides a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon not only has Vitamin D, a Serotonin regulating nutrient but is full of other sleep-promoting minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, potassium, zinc, Vitamin B 12, etc.

Avoid deep-frying the fish as it will take longer to digest and will keep you awake.

5. Chill with Grains

Cakes, pastries, cookies, and other sugar-loaded foods though yummy affect the Serotonin level and prevent proper sleep. Whole grains boost melatonin production with a high dose of vitamin B6. A small bowl of whole grains or a serving of brown rice can help you sleep peacefully. Embracing whole grains will help fortify your body’s tryptophan levels.

Bottom Line

Try these food remedies, get creative with our list, and come up with your own bedtime sleep-inducing snack.

Some More Ideas:

  • Add almonds to your whole-grain cereal for a yummy crunch
  • Make cereal with warm milk.
  • Stir in nutmeg as a flavor enhancer in milk
  • Jasmine rice can be cooked for a variety in grains

If you keep a stock of natural sleeping aids and practice healthy sleeping habits, you will get the peaceful rest that you deserve every night.

